On April 22-27, 2017,A.A.Bakikhanov Institute of History of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences jointly with Ataturk Research Centre of the Republic of Turkey and Executive power of Lankaran district holds IV International Scientific Conference on the topic “Genocide of Turkic-Muslim peoples in the twentieth century”.

Papers will be read on the following sections:

  1. “Genocide of the Azerbaijani people in the twentieth century”– 1) Mass pogroms of the Azerbaijani people in 1905-1906; 2) Genocide of the Azerbaijani people in 1917-1920; 3) The deportation of Azerbaijanis from their historical lands – territory of the Armenian SSR in 1948-1953; 4) End of the deportation of Azerbaijanis from their historical lands – territory of the Republic of Armenia in 1988-1991; 5) The occupation of Azerbaijani lands by Armenia, genocide and ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis in 1991-1994;
  2. Genocide of Turkic-Muslim population of Eastern Anatolia and the Urmia, Salmas and Khoy regions in 1914-1920 years

III. Genocide and deportation of the peoples of the Caucasus, the Volga region and Central Asia in the twentieth century

Conference proceedings will be published and distributed to the participants. Articles should be sent to the Organizing Committee not later than March 1.

The papers should not exceed 8-10 pages. The electronic version of the articles should be sent to the following addresses:djabibaxramov@mail.ru,tofig-nacafli@rambler.ru, natigmamedzade@yandex.com.

The text should be typed in Word 2007-2010, font Times New Roman, 14, spacing 1.5, margins: left – 3 cm, right – 1 cm, top and bottom – 2 cm. At the top on the right, above the name of the topic should be stated name and surname of the author, at the bottom – the name of the organization he (she) represents,institution, city, scientific degree and title of the author.

Travel expenses of foreign participants on the account of sending organization. The host country bears the expenses for housing and meals.

For more information you may address the Organizing Committee:The main building of the ANAS, VI floor, Institute of History. Phones: +99412 5393615; +99412 5393619, Mob.: +99450 3274164; +99450 6145423.